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Leaders, find your people!

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Whether they need a network around them for support, learning, and partnerships or to source new talent, ideas, and customers, leaders everyone need to find their people. Author and business consultant Pamela Slim helps us understand the most effective and efficient way to build your community. It’s what she calls the ecosystem model, and it comes straight from decades of work helping business owners grow their organizations.

In this conversation of Lead the Future, she walks us through the different steps in her model, how leaders can use it to assess the relationships they have – and need – outside and inside their organizations, and some examples she’s seen when working with her customers.

When you’re in an ecosystem in a relational way, you see that everyone (within your ecosystem) is centered around solving a core problem. And in that feeling of community, we can share a purpose and a passion for solving that core problem.

Meet the leader: Pamela Slim, Author and Business Consultant

Pamela Slim is an author, business coach, and the co-founder of the Main Street Learning Lab. A former corporate director of training and development at Barclays Global Investors, Pam focused her first decade in business as a management consultant, working with large companies such as HP, Charles Schwab, 3Com, Chevron, and Cisco Systems.

Since 2005, Pam has advised thousands of entrepreneurs as well as companies serving the small business market, such as Keap, Progressive Insurance, Constant Contact, and Prezi.

Leadership Insights to Pay Attention to

  • Building your network via the empire culture vs ecosystem model.
  • How leaders can apply the ecosystem model to developing key, strategic relationships.
  • Impacts of relational and transactional interactions.
  • How we found ourselves amidst The Great Resignation.
  • Using the ecosystem model to drive greater innovation.
  • Pam’s advice for young leaders.

Show notes 

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