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Now available: the Dr. Vince Molinaro leadership accountability box set


Accountability is the fastest way to unlock the leadership potential in an organization. 

I have always been a big fan of the rock group The Police. I have all their albums, and back in 1993, I purchased their box set, which was a compilation of their songs and greatest hits.  

Little did I realize at that time that one day in the distant future, I would have my own box set – my personal compilation of my body of work. 

I’m excited to announce that my publisher, John Wiley & Sons, recently launched The Vince Molinaro Leadership Accountability Box Set. It contains my three most recent books: New York Times bestseller, The Leadership ContractThe Leadership Contract Field Guide, and Accountable Leaders.  

I joke with my customers and friends that these three books are my very own greatest hits.  

Over the years, I have had the privilege to bring these ideas into organizations around the world. I’ve seen firsthand how much further leaders can elevate their own effectiveness when they consider the approaches in these books as three legs on a stool—all completely necessary to get the most solid-possible grasp on the complex concept of leadership accountability. And over the last two years, my customers have found these ideas to be even more critical as senior leaders have had to navigate the uncertainty, stress, and pressure brought on by the global pandemic. Leadership accountability is more critical now than it was almost a decade ago when I started this journey. 


Leadership accountability is what differentiates the most effective leaders, teams, and organizations.

All three of the books in this set revolve around a single thesis: leadership accountability is the defining feature of top leaders and top organizations alike. But what does it take to scale and achieve this at both levels? I propose there are two responses: the individual and organizational. 

The Individual Response 

The first edition of The Leadership Contract was released in July of 2013. As soon as the book was released, it immediately resonated with the leaders I worked with. In it, I spell out the specific steps leaders must take to develop a mindset that helps them set the tone of accountability for their teams and across their organizations. The Leadership Contract explains that anytime a person assumes a leadership role, they enter a contract. It is one that has always existed, but few leaders are aware of it. Like any contract, The Leadership Contract comes with a set of terms and conditions: 

  1. Leadership is a decision, and you must make it. It’s a personal and visceral commitment to be the best leader you can be.  
  2. Leadership is an obligation, and you must step up. As a leader, you need to understand how you intend to leave things better for all your key stakeholders and make that the focus of how you lead every single day. 
  3. Leadership is hard work, and you need the resilience and resolve to tackle it. 
  4. Leadership is a community, and you must connect. The days of hero leadership have been over for a long time. You have an opportunity to work with your fellow leaders to build a united front and create a sense of mutual support to help drive the success of your organization.  

It’s one thing to abstractly understand these ideas—and it’s another to confront your own hang-ups, hesitations, fears, and limiting mindsets as you work to put them into practice. That’s why I created The Leadership Contract Field Guide: to ensure that you have a roadmap of sorts with you as you begin to navigate your own, unique way through these practices. The guide includes prompts for reflection and thought-provoking activities to help get you firmly on your way toward real leadership accountability.  

The Organizational Response 

In June of 2020, I released Accountable Leaders. This final book in my trilogy builds on the foundational ideas in The Leadership Contract and shows senior executives how to establish strong leadership accountability at the organizational level. This includes driving accountability at an individual and team level and ensuring it is embedded within an organization’s practices, so it really takes hold.  

My team and I have also created The Leadership Accountability System™, which represents our proven methodology for helping organizations scale leadership accountability in a disciplined and provocative manner. Over the coming months, I’ll be sharing more details about our approach and how you can incorporate it within your own company. 

I hope you will be as excited for this new box set as I am. Some of you have read the books and already thoroughly understand the concepts. You can probably also think of another leader who would appreciate studying these interlinked books side by side.  

Others may know of my work through my blogs and podcasts but have yet to dive into my books. This is a great time to do so with the box set.  

Either way, this toolkit is full of proven insights and strategies to help any senior executive understand how to build and scale strong leadership accountability across their organizations. Click here to purchase yours today. 

You can buy the box set on Amazon here.

About Leadership Contract

We are Leadership Contract Inc (LCI), your partner in strategic leadership development. We help you operationalize leadership accountability at all levels of your organization so you can drive strategy, shape culture, and spark change.

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